Individual Counseling
Spiritual Health
A.W. Tozer stated, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” Above all, our relationship with Christ matters most, and it is the condition of this relationship that will determine if you are healthy or not. Spiritual health involves spending time with God in prayer, reading and studying God’s Word, meditating on God’s Word, fasting, practicing altruism, fellowship with other believers, devotionals, and participation in sacraments. Spiritual wellness comes from a proper understanding of God’s Word and from clearly hearing the Holy Spirit.
Physical Health
Physical exercise and activities not only have physiological benefits to your body but other benefits as well. Physical activates help with confidence as you grow stronger, faster, and feel better about yourself. It helps with concentration and stress reduction by providing the release for stress and the release of endorphins that trigger your body to feel good. Physical health also includes your sleeping and eating patterns. Sleep is a restorative activity that allows your body to rebound, and eating provides your body and mind with the proper fuel to chemically balance your state of mind.
Psychological Health
Psychological health includes emotional and cognitive well-being and how they interact. Journaling, writing, and mindfulness are useful interventions that promote mental wellness by challenging self-reflection and deep thought about one’s concerns. Learning something new or engaging in an activity that might be leisurely fun will also help. Activities such as playing a game, completing a puzzle, practicing mindfulness, traveling or vacationing, resting, and listening to music are just a few ways that encourage cognitive health.
Your emotional health will positively or negatively impact your ability to engage in healthy relationships. Tending to your emotional health will involve all the same things that promote physical and cognitive health, with the addition of dealing with emotional distress. Emotional distress can be the result of unaddressed trauma, past and present. Trauma is anything that is disrupting or overwhelming, interrupting one’s ability to cope. Dealing with emotional distress may involve speaking to someone who can help you through the distress, addressing acceptance, satisfaction, and resilience. You must deal with any unresolved emotional distress.
Services & Prices
Weekly Sessions
Self-care is the totality of what you do to reach and maintain physical and psychological well-being. In order to be effective in life, you must be a healthy individual. Counseling is a way that can help you get to this place of wellness.
Sessions are 45 minutes to 1 hour.